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Natural World

Litter Tofu Beads Natural World 7L/2.5kg

Regular price
RM 17.90
Sale price
RM 17.90
Regular price
RM 19.90
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  • SOYA CLUMP is flushable, light and easy to scoop; its fast absorption rate protects your cat and litter tray from toxic ammonia and urine odour. Our cat litter is produced with food grade natural soybean which contains no synthetic chemicals or dyes and making it safe for kittens, cats and yourself.

  • Quick Clumping Forms scoop-able clumps after use. Do Not Stick To The Cat Litter Box 

  • Virtually 99.9% Dust Free So you will avoid breathing in or cleaning up dust 

  • Non Toxic & 100% Safe No chemical added & safe for kittens, cats or humans 

  • Eco Friendly Made from natural biodegradable soybean 

  • Scoop & Flush Safe to flush in small quantities 

  • Odour Control Effectively removes odour within 5 Minutes 

  • Suitable For All Life Stages Kittens, adults & senior cats

  • Soft & Gentle on Paw Perfect for cats with sensitive paws 

  • No Tracking Lesser mess & paw friendly